Clubs & Activities

EMS has a variety of options for clubs and activities. Many of them happen on Thursdays during Homeroom. Some are before school, and some are after school. Students are also welcome to create their own clubs - just find a staff sponsor and share your idea.

Here are the current club offerings:

EMS Green Team
Green Team

Thursdays Before School at 8:15 in Room 243
Sponsor: Ms. Fliss and Mr. Major

At EMS, we have a group of students who are passionate about finding ways to better protect our planet. This year, we are continuing our Zero Food Waste campaign at lunch and working to increase our recycling around the building. We learn about other conservation projects around the world and we partner with Evergreen Sustainability Alliance to make a positive impact on our community and our planet. We also go on fun field trip to places like the Denver Zoo Conservation Alliance, the Evergreen Community Garden, and more. All students are welcome (and we always have snacks). Come join us on Thursday mornings!

Foods Club

Once per month on Thursday Homeroom until 4:15 in the FACS Room (105)
Sponsor: Ms. Alvara

Enjoy creating new recipes and gaining kitchen experience! This club is open to all students who are not currently enrolled in Family and Consumer Sciences as an elective. Talk to Ms. Alvara for more information.

GSA - Gender Sexuality Alliance
Thursdays during Homeroom in Room 106
Sponsor: Ms. Wrinn

This club is open to all students. Come for conversations about related topics and collaboration with other GSAs in Jeffco Schools.

Harry Potter
Harry Potter Club

Thursdays during Homeroom in the FACS Room (105)
Sponsor: Ms. Alvara

If you're a Harry Potter fan, this is the club for you. Join Ms. Alvara and other Harry Potter fans for some HP trivia, games, crafts, and signature Harry Potter foods!

Sources of Strength
Sources of Strength Peer Leaders

Thursdays during Homeroom
Sponsor: Ms. Bellows

Sources of Strength helps students and school staff identify their strengths to improve their mental health and move through the ups and downs of life smoothly. This club provides fun activities for exploring emotions and building your strengths. It also offers opportunities to be a leader in the school by creating school-wide campaigns that help others develop their own strengths. If you are interested, talk to Ms. Bellows.

Trout in the Classroom
Trout Team

Meeting days and times depend on your team role
Sponsor: Ms. Robb

The Trout Team is responsible for raising trout from eggs to fingerlings before releasing them into a local river in the spring. Trout Team members meet from September through April and individual team members help with specific jobs on specific days. Talk to Ms. Robb for more information.

Woodworking Club

Thursdays during Homeroom time until 4:20 in Room 114
Sponsor: Mr. Chiavini

Do you like working with tools? Would you want to build some cool things for our school and for home? Then come check out the Woodworking Club in Room 114 with Mr. Chiavini. This club is primarily for students who did NOT get into a Skilled Trades or Woodworking class this school year, If you have questions, talk to Mr. Chiavini.

Yearbook Team

Thursdays During Homeroom
Sponsor: Ms. Pippin

Students who would like to help with creating the school's yearbook can apply to be part of the Yearbook Team. Talk to Ms. Pippin for information about who can apply and for what positions.

Yoga Pose
Yoga Club

Second Thursday of every month
Sponsor: Ms. Brytowski

The objective of our club is to practice (and learn about) yoga postures, while also learning about how yoga can be used to manage stress. We will be practicing a vinyasa style of yoga, which combines movement, breath, and meditation. While practicing, we will build strength, gain flexibility, and focus on relaxation, and while creating self-awareness. Throughout our time together, you will learn some foundational yoga poses, healthy alignment, and yogic breathing.

Girls on the Run
Girls on the Run

Tuesdays after school from 4:00-5:30 until November 12
Sponsor: Ms. Pippin

We invite ANY girls to sign up - if you want to get together, talk about middle school topics and do activities to prep for a fantastic end of season 5K then Girls on the Run might be for you! Talk to Ms. Pippin for more information.

Open book
Battle of the Books

Make a team and read your books for competition 
Sponsor: Ms. Robb

Do you love reading? Come to Battle of the Books. You can read 2+ books from a list of 8 over several months, and compete in a battle at the end. Form your own team of up to 6 people if you want, or let us assign you one during our first meeting, We meet 2-3 times as a whole group, but it's up to you to make a team and read your books. Ms. Robb will share details as we get ready to battle!

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